About the Process

The Ultra-Elite Team is written, drawn, colored and lettered by myself, Rich Kingsley, doing business as my company RKi Productions.  My brother helps me proofread the book and my cousin, John Allerton, lets me use his originally composed music for the YouTube videos.  

My goal is to use the characters that I created years ago and tell a story of heroes with a big influence of Mythology, Folk/Fairy Tales and a hint of Genealogy in the mix.

I want the comic to be for all ages and if it were a movie, it would probably fall in the PG13 range.

My plan is to do it for free on YouTube and Instagram as long as I can.

The first issue opened with just a glance at the characters, but we hit the ground running and there will be new characters all of the time - I promise the artwork does improve with time (well, I think it will)!

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