Thursday, November 8, 2018

Issue 7 Deleted Scenes

Actually, issue 7 doesn't really have any deleted scenes in the traditional sense, more of re-done scenes.  

As I mentioned before, I wasn't happy with the way the inking was going, or the artwork in general for that matter.  Issues 1 through 4 were done one way, then for 5 and 6 I did it a different way - but even though I was happier with 5 and 6, it was still full of problems.  The ink was so fine the scanner wasn't picking it up properly and I had to put in extra time to digitally darken each panel and it was slowing me down.

Starting with issue 7, I starting inking it a new way and it seems like it is the way I want to go for now - it scans in perfectly and I am able to start coloring right away, and it really will help speed up production.  Before I could color about 5 panels and hour, now I can do about 15 in that same time! 

What follows are two drafts for the cover, I wasn't really happy with the final cover for 7, but here are two attempts I made before starting over...
The next two images that follow are actually the first two panels of issue 7, done with the same inking that I did in numbers 5 and 6, but when I came up with the new inking method I decided to just redo those two panels entirely.

The last image is the actual first panel I did with the new inking and it is the one that was in the actual comic. This is a duplicate I made just to test the coloring and shadowing with the new inking method.

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