While Titan and Phantom have been traveling around the alternate Earths, we look in on the rest of the team...
The team faces a new threat in Monstersaurus, a dinosaur-like creature that the Preventors unleash - as well as a new member of their team, Ox.Along the way Crossbow meets and fights a clone of hers called Dark Bow.
The mysterious Rainbow Lad flies out of nowhere to help them, although his ability to fire rainbows doesn't really seem to help them much!
To end the battle, the team is assisted by more mysterious First T group, claiming to be from another alternate Earth, but when they return to their base we learn that things might not be what they seem as Power Boi knows who the First T really is as he's part of the Ninth T.
Oh, an unknown creature hovers in the air in front of them before walking off...what could that be?
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