Saturday, February 6, 2021

Been A While

I'm not sure how this blog post will turn out! Last year the Google Blogger portal underwent a major overhaul and I'm still working off of an older computer and the new interface doesn't support my operating system. I was able to get into it under a different browser and I'm trying this post to see if it works! If it does, then I'll be back to posting somewhat regularly for a while - although I might have limiations in what I can do for pictures and links, but let's see how this one goes! Hopefully it will appear as text and not gibberish! Fingers crossed! PS. I came back in an updated, I does work - but not without issue, the main thing is that it doesn't notify me of typos - but I'll just have to be more careful. My only problem is that this is actually written out over 5 paragraphs and but it displays as one long run-on one, but at least I can write again!

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Off Topic A Bit

I'm actually getting back into the comic soon and will have some posts about that shortly. What I wanted to share today is actually a ve...