I hope that everyone is doing well in these scary times - with the virus that has caused so much hardship in the world, its a difficult time for so many people - some more than others.
It has been a while since I wrote, for myself I had some downtime from working my regular job and I know I haven't posted in a while - that's because I've been busy getting ahead on the comic - something I've struggled with for a while.
Back before I launched issue # 1, I had written the first two years of the series, but the artwork has slowed me down a great deal, at times causing me to fall behind, and I've never gotten ahead of it. With each issue I often finish it the day I publish it and that has caused me to miss months in the past.
Now though I've been able to get ahead on the production - right now the May issue is done (not published yet), the June issue is inked and the July issue is penciled, but not inked. I'm hoping that by the end of June I can have up to the October issue inked and that would really put me in a great place moving forward.
As for the mistakes, well - as I start to prepare for the next year's worth of stories, I decided to go back and re-read all of the issue I've done so far to make sure I don't forget anything and I discovered two mistakes, that quite honestly I can't believe I made!
The first one goes way back to issue # 4 where we meet Serpent - in that issue she explains that she and her tribe were Aztec and that she was captured by the Tepanec tribe. When Magno forces the tribesmen out of the temple, above them it says "Panic in Aztec", but that was wrong - it should have said "Panic in Tepanec", I don't know how didn't catch that.
The other mistake was a slight math error. When we meet Flavius Romulus Augustus in issue # 10, and also in the UltraPedia page that I created for him, I refer to him as being about 2,000 years old - however he would only be a little over 1,500 years old, but that one was far less obvious than the previous mistake!
I'll be posting more soon - for now I hope that everyone stays as healthy as possible!
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